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Showing posts from 2011

Ayurveda...see if I can do it!

Today is the first day that I am making the effort to not eat between meals. DH called me from work this morning asking if I wanted to go out for breakfast. I am not one to turn down a meal at a restaurant (I am my mother's daughter) so I said yes. Did the skin brushing is supposed to exfoliate and invigorate and it does! Took a shower but didn't have time to do the oil message. Ate a nice breakfast and relaxed and enjoyed the meal. I am full so it shouldn't be a problem making it to lunch time. If I can go 5 days without eating between meals, I will move on to the next challenge!

Wen hair

I really tried to get a good picture to show how much better my hair is was hard to get the view I was looking for. If you look at the two pics, you can see how much smoother my hair is now. It is so soft, manageble and doesn't have the fly-aways like it did in the original pic!

something new...

I have really been doing a lot of thinking this past week...doing lots of traveling so I have time to think when I am driving. I don't have the patience to spend so much time every day journaling what I eat...I haven't done it for months on Sparkpeople because I don't have the time...or I should say, I really just don't want to take the time. I have determined that I need to learn how to eat normal amounts of good food without having to use some tool or website to track everything I do. I know that is how I have had success but it isn't lasting success cause I can only keep up with it for a few months. I got a DVD and booklet about something called Ayurveda...there is a lot to it that I am still learning, but one of the things is to avoid snacking. For years I have convinced myself that I need to eat 6 times a day...well guess what? It isn't working for me. I feel like I eat all the time and I need to stop...the definition of insanity is doing the same thing ove...

New Year is here!!

So I didn't do as well as I would have liked in my 50/50 challenge...but all is not lost! I gained about 9 pounds back, but I didn't fall too far off the wagon...kept up with exercise..just ate too much. Things are going much better now that I am motivated by the start of the new year. I am proud of myself for getting back on track before gaining all the weight I usually do! Welcome to 2011!