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Sick and tired of being sick and tired....

Well...maybe not sick, but I sure do feel tired all too often. I just can't stay on track with my eating or exercise program. It doesn't seem to matter to me that my life and health depend on it! I get so aggravated with myself! I was inspired by, of all things, watching the movie Julie and Julia. Her statement in the movie that she never finishes anything and needs a deadline is so true of me. I have all these great intentions, but I never finish. When I have a project at work, I finish it because I have to. When it comes to my personal life, there is nothing holding me accountable for finishing, so I don't. I got to thinking, if I did what Julie did, set a time line and got myself into the habit of writing everyday, maybe I could actually complete my goal.

So here is my plan, please follow me on my journey to see if I can be successful. If no one follows me, I am sure to fail...

I need to lose 50 pounds and a good rate of weight loss is 1 pound per week, so...I will add a countdown and strive to write about my struggles and successes. The ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks. That would mean that by this time next year, I will be where I need to be. The secondary goal is to prepare to do a 50 mile walk with my niece in November. I will embark on a walking program to prepare for the walk. I may even get brave enough to post pictures!! Come along with me now, won't you?


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